Contribution to society

Doctors in the country

Dr. Guillermo Fuertes, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Industrial Engineering Department, USB, Colombia.

Dr. Nibaldo Rodríguez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic of the Department of Computer Engineering, PUCV, Chile

Dr. Gustavo Gatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Departament of Engineering, UNAB, Chile


Dr. Iván Jirón, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Department of Mathematics, UCN, Chile.

Dr. Daniel Iturralde, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Department of Electrical Engineering, UAZUAY, Ecuador. Google Scholar Link:

Dr. Rodrigo Abarzúa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, USACH, Chile

Dr. Jose Perez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic University Diego Portales, UDP, Chile.

Dr. Claudio Valencia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Department of Electrical Engineering, USACH, Chile.

Dr. Manuel Vargas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Industrial Engineering Department, USS, Chile.

Dr. Jorge Sabattin, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic Department of Physics, USACH, Chile.


Doctors with double degree between Chile and France
Dr. Pablo Adasme, Docteur en Informatique en el LRI Universite de Paris Sud-11 y Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Ingeniería de Procesos. Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Academic of the Department of Electrical Engineering, USACH.
Doctors in England with Chilean collaboration
Dra. Beatriz Ontiveros, Universidad de Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
Academic Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Usach.  Q.E.P.D.
Dra. Astrid Oddershede, Universidad de Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
Academic of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Usach. 
Dr. Jorge Bravo, Universidad de Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
Academic of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Usach